September 26, 2024


BOIL Festival

BOIL Festival

CEiiA promoted a debate inspired by the work developed at International Moon Day during the SLI Programme.

‘We're looking at the Moon with our hearts on Earth,’ writer Nuno Artur Silva summarised the debate that brought together young people from SLI, space and space exploration professionals and professionals from various fields to reflect on how the experience of planning a permanent home for humanity on the Moon can help create sustainable communities on Earth.

This debate, promoted by CEiiA during the BOIL Climate Festival, was inspired by the work developed at International Moon Day during the SLI Programme, and sought to share knowledge that is being generated today in this race to the Moon and contribute to applying some of these ideas to the fight against climate change.

The IMD recognises the importance of space exploration and man's return to the moon. It was initiated by the United Nations with the support of space and defence company Lockheed Martin. This year was commemorated in Portugal by the Moon Village Association and CEiiA with the development of a lunar base.

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