AYR andFootball - Inception of PLAYER 0

At the QSP SUMMIT, CEiiA discussed ideas for using football's passion to combat climate change with Diana Bouça-Nova, António Laranjo, Dolores Silva, and Miguel Poiares Maduro.

July 4, 2024

In the Special Session ‘AYR andFootball - Inception of PLAYER 0’ at the QSP SUMMIT moderated by DianaBouça-Nova, CEiiA brought together António Laranjo, Dolores Silva and Miguel Poiares Maduro to discuss ideas on how the passion of the world of football, combined with passion for the planet, can make a positive contribution to the challenge of combating climate change.

Miguel Poiares Maduro: ‘We look at digital platforms as technological tools, but they are above all centres of knowledge in behavioural science that change the way we think and determinewhat is true and false. How do we use them much more effectively than imposing obligations and commands to change individual and collective behaviour? The association between behavioural science and technology can be used for good, as is the case with the AYR platform.’

António Laranjo: ‘The search for anew attitude at World Cup 2030 has led to closer coordination with #CEiiA and the AYR platform so that World Cup 2030 can be a driving force for behavioural change. That's the legacy we want to leave.’

Dolores Silva: ‘Football is where the eyes of the world are. It's incredible what we can pass on to society and to young people. They are the ones who will push society towards sustainablebehaviour.’

During the Special Session, thefirst two PLAYER0 winners were selected - Maria Tatto and Alcino Delgado - andreceived the first two jerseys signed by our national team players.

What is a PLAYER0 anyway? It's thefan who participates with their avoided carbon emissions to offset thefootprint of their national team. This is done through the AYR platform.

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