
Upscaling ATENA

Main Objective

Strengthening research, technological development, and innovation.


The Upscaling Atena project aims to contribute to the creation of a new industry with proximity value chains for the production of instrumentally critical equipment for the preservation of life. Through the development, testing, and optimization of the Atena invasive medical ventilator with a view to its production in large scale from the national industry.

This project corresponds to the second phase of a more comprehensive initiative that started at CEiiA with the aim of developing and producing an invasive mechanical ventilator to be industrialized in Portugal, in the short term. It also aims to allow it to evolve into new versions with high national incorporation.


CEiiA; EFACEC; Exatronic; DTx.

Project Code:


Date of beginning:


Date of conclusion:


Total Investment:

1.105.853,17 €

EU Financial Support:

732.507,24 €

CEiiA Support:

732.507,00 €