Strengthening research, technological development, and innovation.
The ThermFire4Woven projects aims to develop advanced fibrous structures and their composites, with the goal of developing products with high thermal, fire, mechanical and chemical resistance. This set of properties of the composites will be achieved by combining the development of the advanced textile structures with surface treatments with protection function and forming functional interfaces with the coating or matrix material.
The resulting products should have high thermal efficiency and flame resistance for high added value applications in the construction and transport sectors, such as fire curtains (compartmentation barrier) and battery holder housings. These applications present important functional deficiencies in terms of flame barrier properties and gases, heat transfer, weight, mechanical and chemical properties, and in particular with regard to the conjugation of this set of properties.
In addition to the innovative products / processes resulting from them, it is also intended to respond to the real need for a unit of innovation in the field of advanced tissue coatings in technical textiles. This adds the different skills associated with them and can generate continuous innovation in the post-projects.
Olbo & Mehler Tex (Leader); CEiiA; CVR; PIEP; UMinho.
1.113.167,55 €
729.196,19 €
165.676,00 €