Strengthening research, technological development, and innovation.
The PAC project, spearheaded by Simoldes Plásticos, S.A., is a comprehensive program aligned with the action plan of Cluster Mobinov | Cluster Automóvel Portugal. Through a series of technologically advanced activities, the PAC project aims to address key technological challenges identified within the Portuguese automotive sector. This initiative seeks to enhance the competitiveness of domestic automotive entities and elevate their position in the global arena.
With a focus on fostering a transformative impact on the automotive value chain, the PAC project has identified the following critical technology areas for development, prototyping, testing, and demonstration: Future Vehicle architectures, interiors, structures and exteriors; sensorization and connectivity technologies; and flexible and digital production technologies.
By addressing these critical technology areas, the PAC project is poised to position Portugal as a global leader in automotive innovation, contributing to the sector's competitiveness and long-term growth.
Simoldes Group; CEiiA; AAPICO; Centro de Computação Gráfica; Centi; Citeve; Controlar innovating industry; Critical manufacturing; ERT; INEGI; INESC-TEC; IPN; Politécnio de Leiria; ISQ; IST; MICROPLASTICOS; MOBINOV; SCHMIDT LIGHT METAL GROUP; TMG; TOOLPRESSE
7.998.174,16 €
5.294.145,89 €
1.080.535,00 €