
Oceano 4.0

Main Objective

This projects ambition is to create “the instrument” that, through the convergence into a unique data location, both existing data and still to be collected data, the Plataforma Integrada de Gestão de Dados do Oceano Atlântico, allowing the open digital access to that data, enhancing the current research infrastructure and so enabling the scientific community to develop research with excellence and to generate innovation in different scientific Ocean domains, in a more efficient manner.


Ocean data, information, and knowledge are, currently, scattered by a diverse group of institutions and entities. Thus, besides the efforts to turn data access, exploration and safeguard more efficient and rational, there is a lack of resources to bring together the different stakeholders with intervention in the research and investigation process about the existing data.

Only with data, information, and knowledge integration into one unique system will be possible to create an effective monitoring system of the Ocean and connected activities, which can serve as subsystem for the decision support. At the same time, this platform will enable the capacity to provide services to the educational, commercial and industrial communities, besides the scientific one, and to promote the interaction and sharing between the different actors of this Ocean community, leveraging the recognition by all the Ocean as a national ambition and contributing to the development of the Atlantic Society, not disregarding the interest to whom inform the political decision and whom monitor the National Ocean Strategy.



Project Code:


Date of beginning:


Date of conclusion:


Total Investment:


EU financial support:

249.998,50 €

CEIIA Support:

249.998,50 €