New Space Portugal
The New Space Portugal Agenda aims to transform the specialisation profile of the Portuguese space sector with new innovative, exportable and more technologically complex products and services, leveraging the entire value chain. This Agenda is based on 5 vertical projects led by companies, which aim to leverage R&D activity and industrial development in space and earth observation systems.
The New Space Portugal Agenda promotes a structural change in the specialisation profile of the Portuguese economy through the development, production, and operation of satellite constellations. In this way, it can strengthen Portugal's position as a leading European satellite operator, driving the creation of innovative space-based products and services, integrating the New Space philosophies.
In particular, in terms of products and services will be created:
- Constellation of Very High Resolution satellites
- Constellation of High Resolution satellites
- Constellation of VDES satellites
- SAR satellite constellation
- Digital Planet, a digital platform for merging multiple data from multiple sources and providing added-value services
Among other services to promote entrepreneurship, advanced space-based education and training and research in the field of Earth Observation in the Atlantic and globally.
GEOSAT (Leader); CEiiA; Lusospace; IdD; Omnidea; Gmv; Wavecom; EDISOFT, Neadvance; NOS Comunicações; NOS Technology; VdA; Dstelecom; Bee2Fire; Thinkdigital; Synopsis planet; FHP; EVOleo; Trigger Systems; OHB; OpenCosmos; AAC Clyde Space;
New Space Portugal - O mais ambicioso projecto português dedicado ao New Space
177.942.155,13 €
137.364.121,24 €
57.512.613,75 €
57.512.613,75 €