
Magal Constellation

Main Objective

Setting the cornerstone of a future ocean and climate change monitoring constellation, based on radar altimeter data combined with gravity and ocean temperature and salinity measurements.


Climate change is one of the most critical issues of our time. Following global warming, climate and ocean variations have, undeniably, intensified over time. The MAGAL Constellation project will develop the next generation of radar altimeter instruments to be adapted for a future constellation of small satellites.

The Consortium seeks to understand long-term variability in local, regional, and global climate induced by ocean steric variations. Concurrent monitoring of land water storage needs to go hand-in-hand with the oceanic measurements. Innovative data assimilation techniques need to be developed with the state-of-the-art ocean and land modelling to provide a consistent and systematic Earth dataset.

Through the Consortium’s extensive experience in multi-satellite and multi-variate data assimilation, MAGAL also includes an innovative data and information processing and visualization system. MAGAL uses advanced high-performance modelling, estimation techniques, statistical and scientific machine learning methods, and error analysis in data gathered from different sources.



EFACEC (Leader); AIR Centre; CEiiA, CoLAB  +ATLANTIC; CIIMAR; IST; Instituto de Telecomunicações; Omnidea; UAçores; UBI; UTAustin Portugal.

Project Code:


Date of beginning:


Date of conclusion:


Total Investment:

1.894.540,39 €

EU Financial Support:

1.197.349,53 €

CEiiA Support:

322.171,00 €