
ISAAR: Inflatable Systems for Aerobracking, Aerocapture & Reentry

Main Objective

Strengthening research, technological development, and innovation.


This project aims to develop the technological foundations for the use of deployable insoluble technologies in a range of aerospace applications. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to define operating environments, trajectories, heating rates, materials, property characterisation, processing, and manufacturing studies. This research processes carried out in parallel with the development of the system, creation of geometric concepts, structural analysis, deployment methodology, inflation system, etc.

In order for a ballute to become a reality, there are a number of innovations that are necessary, and these are the ones that we propose to develop: analysing trajectories and aero-thermodynamic models; create a geometric concept that would allow it to resist aerodynamic loads; develop and structurally dimension the ballute; develop a heat shield; dreate processes and validate their manufacturability; characterisation of new materials; and development of new test approaches.


Eptune Engineering; CEiiA.

Project Code:


Date of beginning:


Date of conclusion:


Total Investment:

212.108,20 €

EU Financial Support:

162.406,02 €

CEiiA Support:

48.530,00 €