

Main Objective

INFANTE is an R&D project that proposes the development and the in-orbit demonstration of a small satellite, as the first component of a constellation for maritime surveillance, Earth observation and communications between satellites and ground stations.


The project includes a low-cost and modular microsatellite, equipped with a communications system based on software-defined radio (functions include networking, ranging, and aerial and nautical surveillance); a propulsion system for changing or maintaining orbit; mechanisms that open and orient the solar panels, and a cargo bay with sensors for technology validation and scientific experiments such as SAR and multi-spectral camera.

This project will take advantage of the opportunities created by the New Space emergence and the promising expertise developed over the last 20 years in Portugal. Thus, laying a foundation where Portugal asserts itself as a first-line country in access to Space. Opening doors for a new set of players that are focused in reducing the barriers in investment and so, creating new lines of business that reduce the institutional dependency of this country’s sector.



TEKEVER (Leader): CEiiA; Active Space Technologies; GMV; HPS; Omnidea; Spin.Works; ISQ; FCT-UNL; FEUP; INL; IPN; ISEP; ISR Lisboa; IT Aveiro; UBI; Edisoft; Deimos; Optimal; IPMA; INIAV; Innovation Academy for Microsatellites of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Project Code:


Date of beginning:


Date of conclusion:


Total Investment:

9.170.960,93 €

EU Financial Support:

6.139.801,47 €

CEiiA Support:

517.298,00 €