
Hi Mov - Cross-border Technological Corridor for Mobility with Renewable Hydrogen


The European project ‘HI_MOV - Cross-border Technological Corridor for Mobility with Renewable Hydrogen’ aims to articulate a cross-border ecosystem that promotes a value chain around hydrogen in the Galicia-North Portugal Euroregion, contributing to sustainable mobility based on renewable sources.

The objectives of the project, which will last 36 months, centre on:

  • Analysing the potential of renewable hydrogen as a mobility vector in the Galicia-Northern Portugal axis
  • Improving the training and technological positioning of organisations in the Euroregion in the emerging hydrogen industry
  • Jointly develop hydrogen technology solutions
  • Demonstrate the viability of its use in the cross-border area through pilot tests


CTAG (Leader); ENERGYLAB; PIEP; CEiiA; UMINHO; UPORTO; USC; AECT-GNP; Petrotec; INEGA-Xunta de Galicia.

Date of beginning:


Date of conclusion:


Total Investment:

2.175.842,00 €

EU Financial Support:

1.631.881,00 €

CEIIA Support:

42.653,00 €