

Main Objective

The EASER projects aimed to develop, prototype and test an Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV) capable of performing various missions with scientific value, namely bathymetry in lakes, rivers, reservoirs and coastal sea in a remote and autonomous fashion.


The resulting vehicle has been designed in such a way that is expansible in payload and configuration to adapt to different scenarios and missions. Different sensors were already tested aboard of the vehicle, to help characterize the bodies of water where it travels, as well as their respective bottom surface topography.

This vehicle is capable of collecting and delivering, through an integrated data platform, scientific data necessary to the evaluation of the integrity of bottom soils, hydrographic characteristics and waste location and concentration.

Missions may also require the pilot to take instantaneously control of the vehicle, which is assured since its change from autonomous control to teleoperation and vice versa is seamless and intuitive.

Logistics were also considered during the development of this Autonomous Surface Vehicle, leading to a platform that can be easily transported to the mission site, launched and retrieved with minimal infrastructure.

The ASV is now finishing its final tests on water and will make its debut on the next London Oceanology International, scheduled for December 2020.



Project Code:


Date of beginning:


Date of conclusion:


Total Investment:

 613.679,89 €

EU Financial Support:

 613.679,89 €

CEiiA Support:

 613.679,89 €