
Caravela - Developing and demonstrating of the building blocks for microlauncher

Main Objective

The project aims to develop and demonstrate technology for the key building blocks that form micro-launchers, small launchers dedicated to small satellites.


The CARAVELA project stems from a new paradigm in small satellite launch technology, an alternative to the current “piggyback” approach. In the piggyback method, small satellites are attached to the launch of a larger satellite as a secondary payload and placed in orbits identical or near to those of the primary satellites. Consequently, piggyback satellites are constrained by the primary satellite not only in orbit choice (which must be close) but also in launch date (which must coincide).

The anticipated increase in small satellites and commercial services based on these platforms, in the context of the commonly referred to New Space logic. The requirement that these be launched on a specific date or for a specific orbit suited to their respective operating model, creates a demand for dedicated micro-launchers.


TEKEVER SPACE (Leader); CEiiA; ACTV - Aeroclube de Torres Vedras; FCT; FHP; ISQ; IST; omnidea; UPorto; USIMECA.


Project Code:


Date of beginning:


Date of conclusion:


Total Investment:

3.984.960,92 €

EU Financial Support:

2.687.072,65 €

CEiiA Support:

487.934,00 €