
Beyond Additive

Main Objective

The Beyond.Additive project aims to promote R&D activities related to an innovative powder bed fusion additive manufacturing technology, idealized to manufacture large and complex metallic components.


The project proposes to materialize the evolution of the TLM (Tiled Laser Melting) technology, to be integrated in a new generation of an AM prototype system with new functionalities, namely, better process control and process monitoring, enhancing new raw-materials usage. As a consequence, it empowers the achievement of new market segments with higher added value, yet more competitive.

The technological development is the main focus of this initiative, including industrial research and experimental development activities, but also resulting in the creation, updating, and systematization of new scientific and empirical knowledge relevant to different domains of additive manufacturing, to be included in a free access database, gathering all the strategic information on the manufacturing process, contributing to Portugal's specialization in one of current state-of-the-art technological domains.


ADIRA (Leader); CEiiA; IST.

Project Code:


Date of beginning:


Date of conclusion:


Total Investment:

785.693,31 €

EU Financial Support:

455.986,84 €

CEiiA Support:

231.275,00 €