
AEROS Constellation

Main Objective

AEROS aims to foster Portuguese technologies and expertise in ocean monitoring and valorization


AEROS is a project approved and initiated in 2020. Spearheaded by Edisoft, AEROS comprises a consortium of nine entities, including CEiiA, which stands out for its significant contributions. The project also boasts the participation of three international partners, most notably the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

By combining national and international know-how to construct a constellation of nanosatellites, the project will develop a CubeSat platform equipped with a standard set of COTS (Commercial Off-the-Shelf) components. This platform will carry a hyperspectral sensor, a software-defined radio, and a GNSS reflectometry system. The AEROS project also envisions establishing a Data Analysis Center for data collection, processing, analysis, and storage. This centre will leverage the combined functionalities of the various payloads.

CEiiA's leadership encompasses several key tasks within the project. These include: Defining the technical requirements that guide the development of the various subsystems; Designing and developing CubeSat’s structural framework; Procuring the necessary COTS components for satellite operation; Overseeing the integration and launch of the AEROS satellite; Taking responsibility for defining the architecture, developing, and testing the Data Analysis Centre.


EDISOFT; CEiiA; AIR Centre; CoLAB +ATLANTIC; Dstelecom; FCUP; IMAR; IST; MIT; Spin.Works; ; UAlgarve.

Project Code:


Date of beginning:


Date of conclusion:


Total Investment:

2.786.748,78 €

EU Financial Support:

1.884.426,49 € (FEDER)

CEiiA Support:

1.091.538,00 €