Strengthen Portugal's position in the aeronautics value chain and consolidate the associated cluster through complete, complex and high value-added products.
The Aero.Next Portugal Agenda aims to strengthen Portugal's position in the aeronautics value chain and consolidate the associated cluster through complete, complex products with high added value.
To this end, it will ensure Portugal's dominance throughout the design, development, industrialisation and commercialisation phases, making the country an important decision-making centre in aeronautics, reducing its dependence on foreign countries and triggering strong knock-on effects in the national economy.
EEA (Leader); CEiiA; Almadesign; PACT; OGMA; Lauak; ETI; Connect Robotics; GMV; Omnidea; IST; ISQ; FEUP; INEGI, IST-ID; U. Évora; IPS; ISEP/CISTER; UBI; Dtx Colab; OGMA; Tekever; EEA Aircraft; ELIO; CM Ponte de Sor; FAP; Exército; Marinha; H. São João; Rangel; Aeromec; OGMA; EEA Aircaft; AED Cluster; Idd Portugal;
123.281.163,18 €
90.840.445,90 €
34.516.353,80 €
34.516.353,80 €