October 22, 2024


Eliot is going to ´shorten distances to save lives’

Eliot is going to ´shorten distances to save lives’

Using drones and data platforms that ensure advanced area mobility safely, quickly and at low cost in urban and semi-urban areas.

Eliot was born in the CEiiA to ‘shorten distances to save lives’ using drones and data platforms that ensure advanced area mobility safely, quickly and at low cost in urban and semi-urban areas.

Eliot, in partnership with Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João and Rangel Logistics Solutions, developed ET15 with the aim of improving access to more remote areas that are difficult to reach by conventional means, such as transporting antidotes and urgent medicines, search and rescue and delivering essential goods to isolated locations and in disaster situations.

The ET15 is an unmanned aircraft with a load capacity of up to 15kg, a range of 100km at a cruising speed of 120km/h, which can land and take off vertically and also has a fixed wing that allows for greater distances.

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